Class 1 visit to Park Hall Farm

Just a reminder that Class 1 will be visiting Park Hall Farm tomorrow (Friday).  The children will need to be in school at the usual time and the bus will leave at 9.30am.  They will need to wear their uniform and sensible shoes (trainers will be fine as the weather is dry).  They will also need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag (no glass bottles please).  The children will not need any spending money as we won’t have time to go to the shop as we’ve got a busy day ahead!  We will arrive back at school before 3.15pm.

We’re looking forward to visiting the farm and learning about what happens there.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster and Miss Bellis

Class 1 went to the woods

Last week Class 1 went to the woods as part of our ‘Growing’ topic.  They were looking at and naming the different parts of a plant as well as naming some of the plants they saw.  They had lots of fun exploring the different plants in the woods and were very enthusiastic to show us what they had found.

Sorry for the delay in uploading the photos, here are some  from our visit…

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Pet photos

Can all children in class 1 please bring in a photo of their pet for this Friday please? If they don’t have a pet they can draw a picture of what pet they would like.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Class 1 bake off

Today Class 1 have had lots of fun baking biscuits.  This has linked in with our maths focus this week on shape.  The children followed the instructions very carefully and made fish shaped biscuits by moulding a circle and triangle out of the dough.

We hope you enjoy eating them!


Pirate ship in Class 1

Ahoy there, the pirate ship has arrived in Class 1……

The children are having lots of fun playing inside it and using the role play costumes to really get into the role of a pirate!  A huge thank you to Mr Williams for helping us to make it, we love it!


Pirate Day in Class 1

Class 1 have had lots of fun on their pirate adventure today…

We first of all found a treasure map from the pirates leading us to Billy Bear.  When we found him we met pirate ‘Jim Bones’ who had taken him and had to hand over 10 gold coins for his release.  You’ll be happy to know that Billy Bear is now safe and sound in Class 1!

After we realised that Jim Bones was a friendly pirate we invited him into our class where he talked to us all about pirates and what they do.

It’s been a lovely day and all the children looked fantastic in their costumes and have really enjoyed themselves.  Thank you for making such an effort.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster and Miss Bellis


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Pirate Day in Class 1

In Class 1 this week we have started our new topic on pirates which the children are already very excited about!  As you might have heard there are a group of pirates who have stolen our class bear called Billy!  The children have already received some messages from Billy Bear and have written some lovely messages back.  We are hoping to find Billy Bear next week if we have contact from the pirates.  As part of our mission to find him we would like the children to dress up as pirates next Friday.  This can simply be a stripy t-shirt and school trousers (we have pirate hats in school that we made) unless of course you have a pirate outfit at home.

If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to ask myself or Mrs Foster.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

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