Making faces using natural materials

Class 1 have had lots of fun outside this morning using the natural objects they collected at the woods to make large scale faces.   They all worked well in their groups to decide how they were going to make their face and what features to use.  Well done Class 1!


Pet photos

Next Wednesday (October 8th) Class 1 will be looking at and talking about their pets / favourite pets.  Can all children please bring in a photo of their pet so we can look at them together in class.  If they don’t have a pet they can bring in a picture of their favourite pet or a pet they would like.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

If you go down to the woods today…

Class 1 went to the woods for the first time today to collect lots of different natural materials, e.g. twigs, leaves, feathers to use for some natural art making our faces tomorrow.  We had lots of fun exploring the natural environment around us and talking about what we could use our objects for.  We were very impressed by how sensible they all were when crossing the roads safely and exploring the woods.



Beanbag targets in Class 1

Class 1 have had a very busy morning outside testing their maths and physical development skills…..

Their task was to aim the beanbag into one of the 3 hoops which were worth 1, 2 and 3 points.  Each time they scored points they added bears to their pot.  The Year 1 children worked very hard to put all the scores into a table and at the end they added them up to find out who had the highest in each team.  We all had lots of fun throwing the beanbags and trying to score as many points as possible!

Well done Class 1!


Parent helpers for Class 1

We would be very grateful if any parents/grandparents/carers in Class 1 could spare some time each week to come into school to listen to readers.  If you are able to please speak to myself or Mrs Conde to arrange any days you can do each week.

Many thanks for you help,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Conde

Message for choir

All choir members –

If you haven’t already done so can you please send your reply slip back into school by tomorrow so I know who will be singing in the choir on Saturday at the village fete.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas


Thank you to those children that brought in their shoeboxes last week. If you haven’t already brought one in can you please bring one in tomorrow as we will be doing an art activity with them.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Park Hall Farm

Class 1 have had a lovely day at Park Hall Farm today and really enjoyed seeing all the animals and learning about life on a farm.  Here are some pictures of our day…

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster & Miss Bellis


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Music Mark
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