Polar clothes

Class 1 have had another busy day and all worked very hard.  This morning we found a suitcase full of clothes in the role play area and talked about what kind of places we would wear these.  We talked about the Arctic and Antarctic to see what they had remembered from yesterday.  The Reception children used collage materials to make a warm outfit and the Year 1 children designed their own outfit adding labels and sentences.





Choir at the Co-Op

Well done again to all the choir who sang beautifully again this morning at the Co-Op.  It was lovely to see all your parents, grandparents, etc come along and listen to your singing and join in! Evereyone certainly enjoyed themselves!

Keep up the great singing!

Mrs Thomas

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Choir singing at Isle Court

Well done to all the choir (and staff!) who sang beautifully this morning at Isle Court nursing home.  Everyone enjoyed themselves and made a huge effort!  We’re all looking forward to singing at the Co-Op and Bicton Church next week.

Thank you everyone, keep up the wonderful singing!

Mrs Thomas

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Choir – Christmas events

Can all choir members please complete and return the permission slips by tomorrow for all the upcoming events this month.  Unfortunately if slips are not returned they will not be able to join us which will be a shame as they have all been working really hard to learn all the songs.

I have also asked the children to bring in Christmas themed hats to wear for these events.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Fruit tasting

Today Class 1 read ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ and tasted all the different fruits that are found in the story.  They had lots of fun using their senses to desribe how they looked, smelt and tasted.


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In the woods

Class 1 went to the woods today to collect a range of objects, e.g. leaves, twigs, feathers to make large scale pets.

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Making pet carriers

This week we have been looking at what pets we have and talking about them with the rest of the class.  Today we thought about what a pet needs for a pet carrier / home.  We decided that they need food, water, a shelter, air holes, a handle and toys.  We then used junk materials to make our own carrier/home for our pet and thought carefully about what features it needed to include.  Here are some pictures of what we made…

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Pet photos and junk materials

Just a reminder for Class 1 to bring in photos of their pets (or pictures of what pet they would like if they don’t have one) tomorrow please.

Also if you have any ‘junk materials’ at home (e.g. cereal boxes, kitchen rolls, etc) can you bring in some for this week please to use for one of our activities.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
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