Class 1 homework

For our science work this week Class 1 will be  looking at battery operated appliances and the different types of batteries used to operate them.  Please can children bring in a battery operated object (with the batteries included) by Friday please.  Examples could be an alarm clock, radio, calculator, remote control, toys etc.

Please don’t hesitate to ask for any further help with this.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Class 1 outdoor area

Thank you again to everyone that has donated equipment for Class 1’s outdoor area.

One of our outdoor projects is to make a ‘mud kitchen’. If anyone has any old kitchen utensils they can donate we would be very grateful. We are looking for things like pots, pans, baking and cake trays, plastic/metal bowls, spoons, etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Thomas




The 3 Billy Goats Gruff

Class 1 have been looking at the story ‘The 3 Billy Goats Gruff’ this week.  Today the children worked in groups to act out the story with one person acting as the narrator.  They also used the bridges in the play area to act as a prop for the goats to cross.  There was some fantastic acting and good use of character voices!





Easter Egg Hunt in Class 1

Class 1 went on an Easter egg hunt this morning.  They had lots  fun working in teams to find their coloured eggs and ordering the numbers once they had found all 10.

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The winners of the Easter egg hunt…….Well done!


Science in Class 1

Class 1 have been working hard this term in science finding out about different materials.  Their task this week was to use their knowledge to talk about what materials would make a good shelter for Pebbles (our class penguin!).  They decided that it needed to be waterproof so they planned an investigation to test which materials were waterproof or not.  They also discussed how they would test a material to check it was waterproof, what will happen to the water as they tested it, what equipment they would need and how they would make it a fair test.  The materials they decided to test were wood, tin foil, paper, card, plastic and cotton.  They found out that wood, plastic and tin foil were the most waterproof.

Well done Class 1!

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Celebration assembly – Class 1

Please can all Class 1 children bring in warm clothes to wear for the celebration assembly on Friday as we are sharing our topic work on Polar regions.  They will need their coat, a hat, scarf and gloves.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Conde

Fun in the woods

Class 1 have had lots of fun in the woods this afternoon.  Their first task was to stand as quietly as they could and hear what sounds there were in the woods. They could hear  many different sounds including birds, cars, a helicopter and church bells.


Their second task was to work in pairs to go on a scavenger hunt.  They were asked to find: 3 seeds, something smooth, something rough, a feather, something beautiful and a stick as long as their arm.




The missing rabbit!

One of the children in Class 1 lost their toy rabbit so the class decided to go on an adventure around the school to try and find it…

The children camauflaged themselves (with their hoods!) and set off on their journey.   They had lots of fun and encountered some dangers on their way, one involving finding some ‘mystery fur’ behind the shed….could it have been a polar bear following them??

After lots of searching the children found the missing rabbit safe and sound and made their way quickly (and safely) into school so the polar bear didn’t catch them!

Well done Class 1! Hope you all have a lovely weekend.




Penguins in Class 1

This week the focus in Class 1 has been all about penguins and the children have had lots of fun finding out about them and sharing their knowledge with the rest of the class.  Here are some of the activities they have done…

Penguin potato printing:


Independent activities – making penguins using a range of materials and small world objects:


Writing information booklets about penguins – the Year 1 children worked hard to use the topic books to find out lots of interesting facts:



Making penguin movements / dances – the children even tried to pass the ‘penguin egg’ to each other without dropping it which proved quite tricky!



In numeracy the children have been looking at numbers and place value.  The Reception children have been ordering numbers up to 10 and practising their number formation.  The Year 1 children have been counting in 10s and finding one more and one less with numbers up to 20.  Some have even looked at numbers past 20.


The case of the missing fish!

Today Class 1 discovered an abandoned dinghy on the playground!  All the children were very excited and talked about where it might have come from and shared lots of great ideas.  They also found a letter from the King Penguin asking them to help him and the penguins to find the missing fish…



The children thought they could help the penguins by making some fish and sending them back on the boat so they don’t starve.

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Year 1 children wrote detailed letters explaining how the class were going to help.

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