In the woods

This week when Class 1 went to the woods we used our story focus on ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ to collect leaves and describe them.  Then the children worked in small groups to sort the leaves into groups using a Venn diagram.   Some children were asked to sort the leaves into more groups.

SANY4017SANY4018SANY4019SANY4020SANY4022SANY4025SANY4027SANY4028SANY4029SANY4030SANY4031SANY4032SANY4034The children then used the leaves they collected to make a large scale collage of a leaf outline in groups.




Class 1 PE

This term Class 1 will be playing tennis outside as part of our PE lessons.  As the weather is getting warmer please can you ensure your child brings in suncream, a sun hat and a water bottle for these lessons.

Also when they come into school on a Friday morning they can come into class straight away to get changed into their PE kit.  Once they have changed they will need to put their school clothes in their locker and go outside as normal until the bell rings.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas


I just wanted to say a huge well done to all the choir that took part in the competition at Concord College today. You all did a fantastic job and sang beautifully. The standard of behaviour was exceptional and all the children did Bicton School very proud. The judges even commented that our song choices were ‘brave’ and the children certainly showed that they were able to rise to the challenge!  Thank you to Mrs Roberts, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Jones and all the parents that came along to support the choir – I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children and myself did.

Mrs Thomas

Message for choir

Please can all choir members taking part in the competition at Concord College tomorrow arrive to school promptly so we can leave by 9/9.10am. I hope you have all been practising the songs!

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Making fruit smoothies

As part of healthy eating week Class 1 made fruit smoothies.  They all enjoyed making and tasting them – they were delicious!



Class 1 homework

Please can all Class 1 children bring in a book that is special to them on Friday so they can talk about it with the rest of the class.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Measures and making beanstalks

Yesterday Class 1 went to the woods again, this time to collect sticks and use them to talk about measures (length).  They were set the following tasks: To find the longest stick they could find and see where it measured up to on themselves.  Then they collected more sticks and ordered them from longest to shortest.  Some children were given extra challenges to find a stick as long as their arm, 2 sticks the same length and a stick that was 20cm.  They all worked really well together.


Today we used the sticks to make them look like beanstalks using a  range of materials. The children all made a fantastic effort.


Jack and the Beanstalk

Today Class 1 went to the woods and listened to the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.  They then worked with a partner to mime one scene from the story for the other children to guess the scene.  They all worked really well and thought carefully about using good body language and facial expressions.



In the woods

This morning Class 1 went to the woods….they listened to the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and then worked in pairs to freeze frame one of the scenes from the story.  Some even managed to have a go at doing more freeze frames.  They were asked to think carefully about their body language and facial expressions to get in the role of the characters – there were some very convincing faces!

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Visit to Bicton Church

As part of our RE topic this term Class 1 have been looking at special places around them.  Today we went to a special place in our local community – Bicton Church.  The children first of all looked at all the parts of the church and found out what they are used for – e.g. font, altar, lectern, pulpit, pews….  Then they spent some time exploring the church and sketching some of the parts of the church we discussed.

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