Coats and Newspapers!

Could Class 4 children please bring in a fur coat (or something similar) for the celebration assembly next week please.  Thank you so far to those that have managed to bring some in already, they will look great!

Also can the children please bring in any newspapers you have at home (new or old ones) for English next week please.

Many thanks

Class 4 weekly news

English – Our focus this week has been  writing a set of instructions.  The children started off looking at what instructions are used for and highlighted the main features.  They then created a word bank of ‘rich vocabulary’ from the novel study (‘The Lion, the witch and wardrobe’) to create a pictorial timeline  to describe the children’s journey to the white witch’s house.  Then they used this information to plan, edit and publish their own set of instructions.  They all worked really hard on this to remember to use time connectives, bossy verbs and interesting adjectives.

Maths – They have been ordering and comparing numbers with up to 3 decimal places on a number line.  The year 4’s used a place value chart to help them divide one/two and three digit numbers by 10 and 100.  The year 5’s looked at percentages and representing these as decimals and fractions.

Geography – The children started their topic on ‘earthquakes’.  They looked into the key aspects of earthquakes and how they are caused by the plate tectonics.  They worked well in groups to represent the plates and the magma using broken up pieces of cups and a bowl of water.

Science – They completed an investigation into levers and made their own lever mechanism to test how well a load can be lifted using a smaller force.

RE – We started our topic about Easter.  They will be discussing the key question ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?’ over the next few weeks.  Today they listened to the story about ‘The Last Supper’ and discussed the betrayal of Judas to Jesus.  They also talked about the objects which represent the Last Supper and what they mean to the story.

Homework – handed out today – decimals/fractions/percentages.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas

Class 4 weekly update

English – This week’s focus has been on play scripts.  The children have been role playing a scene from the book, ‘The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe’, thinking of ways to develop their ideas.  Then they looked at the main features of a play script and explored the layout conventions.  They used an extract from the chapter and changed the text into a play script and used this as a basis to draft, edit and improve their own ideas.

Maths – They have been focusing on number this week – decimals and fractions.  They have used a place value grid to make numbers with up to 2 and 3 decimal places and understanding the value of each digit.  Then they have been looking at decimals as fractions, concentrating on more complex decimal numbers (0.96, 0.03, 0.27) and numbers greater than 1.  Some children have had a go at recording the numbers in multiple representations, including expanded form and in words.

Science – The children completed an investigation about parachutes and tested a range of materials, size of materials and length of parachute string to find out which key features made the most effective parachute.  They had lots of good ideas about gravity and air resistance to support their ideas and findings.

Computing – They have been looking at multimedia and have started exploring multimedia.

Art – They have been looking at structures of a range of buildings.

Everyone made a fantastic effort dressing up for World Book Day and it was wonderful to see all their outfits.  Thank you for all your efforts with this. We spent some time looking at and talking about our favourite books which was lovely to hear.

I hope you all have a great weekend and stay safe in the snow!

Mrs Thomas & Mrs Lupton

Class 4 homework

Apologies for the confusion of homework set this week…the homework that was set before half term is due in tomorrow please.  Many have handed this in already, thank you. The play script homework that was set on Monday is due in next Wednesday (March 7th).  If there are any questions about this or you need a copy please ask me. In future, homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday as usual.

I also asked the children if they have a copy of their favourite book at home if they could bring it in tomorrow please for World Book Day. Please don’t worry if they don’t have one.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas

Fairy Tale Day

Class 1 had a lovely ‘Fairy Tale Day’ yesterday. They came into school in costumes and all looked fantastic!  Thank you for all your efforts with this.  We did lots of fun activities related to some of the fairy tales we have looked at this term, including baking and decorating gingerbread men, making crowns, a treasure hunt looking for the King of Fairyland’s lost golden coins and designing and making outfits for princes and princesses.  Here are some pictures of the day….

Mrs Thomas (Little Red Riding Hood!)

Our costumes


Baking and decorating Gingerbread Men





Making prince and princess crowns


Treasure hunt to find the King of Fairyland’s missing golden coins.



Designing and making an outfit for a prince or princess


Investigating plants and flowers

This afternoon Class 1 went on a ‘Plant Hunt’ around school to find as many different plants and flowers as they could.  They looked at describing them and trying to name them if possible. We also started looking at some of the main parts of a plant – petals, stem and leaves.  We will do some more investigating on this next week.


Planting beans

This week Class 1 planted beans and will be using their mathematical skills over the next few weeks to measure how tall they grow. They also made ‘giant’ castles and planted these in their pots to see how far their beanstalks reach.






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