
This week Class 1 have looked at the sounds – g   o   c   k  .  They have practised saying the sounds and writing them.

For ‘g’ we say ‘ Around the girl’s face, down her hair and give her a curl.’

For ‘o’ we ‘All around the orange.’

For ‘c’ we say ‘Curl around the caterpillar.’

For ‘k’ we say ‘Down the kangaroo’s body, up his tail and down his leg.’

The children also practise writing their names on a daily basis, you can support them at home by encouraging your child to paint / chalk / write their names on steamed windows.




Open the book

Some of the children in Class 1 helped to act out today’s Bible story.  They had to be the River Jordan.

Gracie got to blow out the candle at the end.



More patterns!

Class 1 are getting very good at creating repeating patterns.


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Phonics – ‘n’ ‘p’

Over the last 2 days the children have looked at ‘n’ and ‘p’.

They have practised the sound each letter makes and had a go at writing them.

To write ‘n’ we say ‘Down Nobby and over his net’  and for ‘p’ we say ‘ down his plait and over the pirate’s face.’

The children  have played  initial sounds –

and to help with segmenting and blending –   Stage 1 and 2.

Maths – positional language

Today Class 1 concentrated on using positional vocabulary.

Some children .used the laptops and interactive board to move the animals into different places.  They also helped to put the teddies on the bus and played a game of hiding teddy.


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More shape fun

The children in Class 1 are getting good at spotting 2d shapes around school.  They have also been playing games where they have to describe a shape to their friend and see if they can choose the correct one.

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Phonics this week

Last week the children looked at the sounds for ‘m’ ‘a’  ‘s’   ‘d’ .  This week we have continued to look at these sounds and have also looked at ‘t’ and ‘i’ so far this week.   When forming ‘t’ we say ‘down the tower, across the tower’ and for ‘i’ we say ‘down the body and dot for the head.’

I have attached powerpoint copy of all the letters and sounds that we will be covering over the next few weeks.

We are also practising writing our names everyday.


2 d Maths fun

Each group has been busy doing different 2d maths activities today.  Some children went on a shape walk, some children used shapes to collage a scarecrow and the rest played shape games.  Over the next few days all the children will get an opportunity to do all 3 activities.

To support your child ask them to find different shapes in the home and when you are out and about.

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