Walk to the farm

Tomorrow afternoon Class 1 will be going on a local walk. This time we will be popping into Mrs Pink’s farm to see the new lambs. As it may be muddy we will all be wearing wellies. If your child’s wellies are not in school, can you send them in tomorrow please. We do have spare ones if you don’t have any. The children will wear our waterproof jackets and trousers if required.



Celebration assembly

The children are looking forward to singing our celebration assembly song for you tomorrow.  The children do not need any different clothes for it.  After the assembly the children will be taking part in the mini marathon. Children need to be in school uniform for the assembly then we will all change into our PE clothes for the rest of the day. Can you please make sure your child has outdoor trainers with them as we will be running around the field.

Thank you

Double trouble!

We have been looking at doubles this week. The children have worked out the cost of 2 items that are the same, doubled ladybug spots and doubled the amount of objects when they passed through the double hoop.


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One group were very busy finding the oa/o-e/oe/o words in their story book.


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3D shape

The children have been exploring shapes today. They have been finding out which shapes roll, stack and do both. They have explored which shapes are the best to build with. They have used the clixi to make 3D shapes.  Earlier a group of children built a really tall tower using duplo, they had to ask me to help because it got so tall!

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Role play

The children wanted to have a Class 1 shop so they could spend their money. They then decided they also wanted a cafe. The children busied themselves making trolleys, tags and credit cards, some even made some magazines to sell.  I am sure they will continue to think of and make things that they want in their Clas s1 shop.

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Maths – money

Thank you very much for all the donations of 1 pences and 2 pences.  Today the children were using them to play shops.  They  took it in turns to be the shop keeper and customers.  They had to work put how much money they would have left.

We will be continuing with money work over the week, concentrating on subtraction and some children will be recording their number sentences.

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Problem solving

The children have been using Jack’s magic beans to find out ways to make 10.







Shrewsbury junior parkrun

Shrewsbury junior parkrun

There is a new exciting junior parkrun now taking place in the Quarry every Sunday at 9am.  This is in addition to the weekly Saturday, 5km Shrewsbury parkrun.  If your child has already registered for parkrun, they do not need to do so again. Please do check the course details as it starts in a different location to the Saturday event.

What is it?

It is a 2k run for juniors only (4-14 year olds).  Adults can run with their child, but must not go into the finish funnel at the end.

Where is it?

The event takes place at Quarry Park, Victoria Avenue, Shrewsbury, SY1 1XL. See Course page for more details.

What does it cost to join in?

Nothing – it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder).

How fast do I have to be?

The aim is to have fun. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

We’re friendly!

Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee in the Stop Cafe – please come and join us!


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