Read Write Inc – ‘i’

Today the children looked at ‘i’.  We bounced the sound i – i – i.

We named objects that begin with ‘i’.

The children also practised forming the letter, to form the letter we say :  ‘down the body and a dot for the head.’

Read Write Inc – ‘t’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘t’

We practised saying this bouncy sound – t – t – t,  We looked at objects and pictures beginning with the sound.

The children also had a go at writing the letter, saying ‘Down the tower and across the tower.’


Class 1 have been very busy playing counting games.  Today one group played a game where they rolled the dice, had to count the spots then take the right amount of bears.  After 3 goes they had to find their total amount by carefully counting.

Read Write inc – ‘d’

Today Class 1 looked at ‘d’.  They practised bouncing the sound – d – d- d .  We looked at objects beginning with d – duck / dog / dinosaur / doll.

When we form the letter we say ‘around his bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet.’

Read Write Inc – ‘s’

The last phoneme Class 1 looked at last week was ‘s’.  The class practised stretching out the sound -‘sssss’ then naming objects beginning with the sound.

When writing the letter we say ‘Slither down the snake’

On Friday the Class revised all the sounds covered so far – ‘m’  ‘a’  ‘s’ and practise forming them using a range of media. 


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