Read Write inc

We have continued to revise all sounds taught.  The children are working hard at segmenting and blending and this is improving their confidence when reading.

This week we have focused on:

oo – poo at the zoo and oo – look at the book

ir- whirl and twirl and er – a better letter

ar – start the car

The children have verbally formed sentences using words with these sounds in and many have independently written their own sentences.


Forest School Week 5 -Bear Hunt!

Our last Forest School session will be next Thursday the 3rd of May.  We will still continue to have outdoor learning opportunities and make use of the area throughout the term.





Maths – making 5

This week the children have concentrated on the number 5.  We have explored what makes 5 and had to explain and prove that it is right.  The children were encouraged to use their number knowledge and not count.

For example, the children looked at Jack’s magic beans, on one side they were silver an don the other they were brown.  The children explored shaking a pot and seeing which side they landed.  We had some really good explanations, including – ‘There are still 5 because there are 2 silver and 3 brown beans, 2 and 3 makes 5!’

Read, write inc

This week the children have looked at:

igh – fly high

aw – yawn at dawn

are – care and share

ow – blow the snow.

They have also looked at ee / ea sound  – we found lots in our story Jack and the Beanstalk.

The Ugly Duckling

Our focus story for this week and next is ‘The Ugly Duckling’.  We have linked the story to understanding of the world and found out about the life cycle of a duck, the children then cut out and completed a life cycle and added captions or sentences to explain it.   We also linked this with signs of spring and new birth.

In PSED we discussed why the Duckling felt so sad at the beginning of the story, and talked about how we should treat others.

Next week we will focus on the story structure, complete a story map, act out the story and have a go at writing it out in our own words.  The children will also be decorating their own Eggs, taking part in a duckling egg hunt and learning the Ugly Duckling song.

Read, Write inc

We have continued to read and write words containing Set 1 sounds green words 1 PDF 

Useful booklets for revision at home:

Word-Time-Book-1 Word-Time-Book-2 Word-Time-Book-3 Word-Time-Book-4 Word-Time-Book-5 Word-Time-Book-6

This week we have revised and written sentences with words containing:   ng, nk, sh and ch.   This booklet is useful to reinforce these sounds at home – .Word-Time-Book-7

We have also revised set 2 words 2 PDF

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
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