Jam sandwiches

Last week, after reading ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ (which the children absolutely loved), we made jam sandwiches in nursery. The children followed our instructions and we used language such as first, then, now, next and finally. The children’s favourite part was eating their sandwich at snack time!

Cafe closed, open again on Monday at 9 o’clock

Nursery 07.10.2024

In nursery this week the children made fire engine footprints and enjoyed playing with the small world toys – the Fireman Sam set (we have been looking at the role of a Firefighter, the vehicles they drive and equipment they use).

The children have practised their scissor skills, cutting mermaids hair and with support, cut out wheels for their fire engine pictures. They have made lots of meaningful marks on our tv / book themed mark making table and used their problem solving skills to balance compare bears and build bridges for them to cross.

A super fun week in nursery…

This week the children explored fruits and vegetables in our tuff tray. They deseeded peppers, apples, looked the pulp and seeds inside the pumpkin then scooped them out.

The children enjoyed being creative, independently gluing and sticking features and props to make their own Mr Potato Head (after playing with Mr Potato Head last week).

We had great weather on Monday at Forest School, we went hunting for apples that had fallen off the tree to make all sorts of muddy delights. Nursery children had fun balancing the apples on a wooden spoon.

In maths, we looked at patterns, the children used natural objects and followed the sequence, we used sequencing words (first and next). Some of the children painted repeated patterns with pom poms.




Bicton Mini Bakers

Our mini bakers measured, sieved, stirred and added the secret ingredients (a little bit of maths and some fine motor skills) to create some truly delicious shortbread ⭐️

Bicton Nursery Hair Salon is now open…book by appointment only 😉

A few Autumn activities the children have enjoyed this week 🍂

We have been busy in nursery so far this term…

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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