Flora Tubs4Tablets tokens

Dear Parent / Guardian,

This autumn Flora and Stork, in partnership with Tesco, are running an amazing scheme called Tubs4Tablets which aims to help our school bring cutting edge technology into the classroom.

The scheme gives primary and middle schools in Great Britain the opportunity to collect tokens from special tubs of Flora and Stork on sale at Tesco from early October and exchange them for FREE touch screen tablets!

We need to collect as many tokens as possible, these can be found on promotional 500g tubs of Flora Original, Light and Buttery and Stork (subject to availability).
Hand us your tokens… Just 50 tokens will get our school one brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0” Wi-Fi 8GB tablet so help us to claim as many as we can.

Many Thanks.

Parents Evening Appointments – Book Now

Just a reminder that the Parents Evening appointment booking system opened on our website this week. Lots of parents have already booked appointments to meet with their child’s teachers, but there are still some that are yet to do so.
Appointments are made by visiting the Parents Area of the website and choosing your child’s class from the Parents Evening menu, or you can use the links below to go straight there.

Once at your child’s class booking page, the green blocks represent available appointment slots, simply click and book. You’ll be emailed confirmation of your appointment time and a reminder near the date.
If you encounter any problems, please contact the school office.

Special Menu Day – Thursday 2nd October

A special menu day is being held on Thursday 2nd October. The theme is ‘American Diner’ and the options are:-

HOT DIGGITY DOG – with onions and ketchup

HOUND DOG – sprinkled with cheese

DIRTY DOG – with BBQ sauce

GOOD DOG (V) – vegetarian sausage with any of the above choices

ATLANTIC DOG – fish fingers with the above choice of toppings

All served with fries or mashed potatoes, sweetcorn and baked beans, coleslaw and salad.


Morrisons ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers

We are collecting Morrisons ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers. The collection box is in reception. Many thanks.

Guitar Lessons

For those children learning the guitar there will be no lessons for the next 2 weeks as the teacher is unavailable. They will restart on Tuesday 30th September. The 2 lessons missed will be made up before the end of term.


Can parents please bring back their child’s medication, which is normally kept in school, that was taken home at the end of last term. Thank you.

Games and Model Making Club

If anyone has any board games that are no longer used, Mrs Barker would very much appreciate them for Games Club on Wednesdays.

Thank you.


All medicine that has been kept in school this term for children will need to be collected from school on Thursday afternoon, the last day of term. Children who go home on the bus, any medicine will be put safely in their bags.

Any relevant medication will need to be returned at the start of term in September.

Thank you.

Craft Club

There will be no Craft Club on the last day, Thursday 17th July. Thank you.

Music Lessons from September

If any children wish to learn to play the Guitar, Keyboard or Drums or continue with their lessons in September please see Mrs Neal in the office for further details. Thank you.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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