Netball Club

There will be no Netball after school next Monday 7th April. Thank you.


There are no after school clubs today or tomorrow in view of Parents Evening.

Craft Club

Can all the consent forms for the Scrappies Bottletop Competition be returned as soon as possible. Thank you.

KS2 Football Club – Wednesday

Unfortunately we have had to cancel Football Club this Wednesday, 19th March,  as   Mr Bramley is unwell.

Outstanding Dinner Money

As we are coming up to the end of the financial year the kitchen staff have requested that any outstanding dinner money to be paid by Friday 28 March. Thank you.

Guitar Lessons

If any children are interested in learning to play the Guitar after the Easter holidays please contact the school office for more details. Thank you

Keyboard Lessons

If there are any children that would like to learn to play the Keyboard, please contact reception. Thank you.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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