Attingham Park Event – 18 September

Please see details regarding an event happening at Attingham Park

Muck in morning at Attingham Park                                        
Sunday 18 September, 10am-12pm
A chance to help us get ready for the apple harvest as well as have fun with the family!
Attingham Park is looking for families to help collect the ripe apples that have fallen from the trees ready for the apple harvest weekend on 24 and 25 September. Families will also have the chance to make some arty apples to decorate the orchard. 
Everyone who takes part will gain free entry to the garden and grounds on Sunday 18 September. 
There are a maximum of 20 spaces for this activity so if your family are     interested in taking part do get in touch as soon as possible with                       Kate Christmas, Visitor Experience Officer (Families and Schools) on 01743 708195 or email

The Voice for Kids

The first ever series of The Voice Kids is coming to ITV in 2017 and they’re looking for the next generation of talented young singers. Poster attached with information.


Music Tuition Fees

Can ALL fees for music tuition be paid by Thursday 21st July at the latest.

Thank you.

Spaghetti Maths

Spaghetti Maths will not be on Monday 4th July as some children are performing in the Brass Extravaganza at Theatre Severn. The last session will now be on Monday 11th July.

Weekly News 17.06.16

Sports Day- Tuesday 21st June 2016

Just a reminder that next Tuesday is our Sports Day, providing it does not rain! Should the grass be too wet, we will make the decision to cancel as early as we can and send out a tweet/put a post on the website.  Fingers crossed we will still be able to go ahead so children will need to bring a drink and sunhat and remember to wear/bring to school their coloured t-shirt.  Our reserve date is still Thursday 23rd June.

The kitchen will be serving a picnic-style lunch consisting of pizza (vegetarian option available), hot-dog, chips/pasta, a cookie and a bottle of water. You are more than welcome to bring your own packed lunch and join us. Please could we remind people to use the village hall car park and not block Bicton Lane.  Thank you.

Parent Surveys

Thank you for the parent surveys returned so far.  If you have not returned your survey and you would still like to make comments, please can you do so by next Thursday.


The order for the Year 6 Leavers’ hoodies will be placed early next week so all orders and payment need to be returned as soon as possible.

Brass Extravaganza

If there are any Year 5/6 children who would like to perform at the Brass Extravaganza on Monday 4th July and have not returned their permission slip, please can they do so as soon as possible as we have to confirm numbers by next Friday.

Tempest and Scholastic

Any Tempest orders for school photographs or Scholastic book orders need to be returned by the end of next week.

Shropshire Sings

We need to confirm numbers and order tickets for Shropshire Sings on Tuesday so please could orders for tickets be returned by first thing Tuesday morning.

Letters home this week

Sports Day teams – all classes

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies – all Year 6s

Year 5 visit to Cardingmill Valley – all Year 5s

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Music Lessons – September

If any child would like to learn to play the Drums, Guitar or Keyboard next term please let the office know. Tutors from Shropshire Music Service come into school during the afternoons to provide lessons. Invoices are issued half termly.

If your child already has lessons and no longer wishes to continue, please let the office know.

Grant from Tesco for a Sensory and Wildlife Garden

Please read the attached letter regarding the grant being offered from Tesco for the first phase of the Sensory and Wildlife Garden.

Tesco Grant



Easter Egg Competition

Your child will be bringing home an Easter Egg drawing this week which the Co-op would like them to decorate in any way they choose.

All entries are to be handed into reception by Wednesday 16th March, and the Co-op will present a prize to the best decorated egg in each class.

Parent Governor Election

Please can all ballot papers be in by tomorrow. Thank you.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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