Grant from Tesco for a Sensory and Wildlife Garden

Please read the attached letter regarding the grant being offered from Tesco for the first phase of the Sensory and Wildlife Garden.

Tesco Grant



Easter Egg Competition

Your child will be bringing home an Easter Egg drawing this week which the Co-op would like them to decorate in any way they choose.

All entries are to be handed into reception by Wednesday 16th March, and the Co-op will present a prize to the best decorated egg in each class.

Parent Governor Election

Please can all ballot papers be in by tomorrow. Thank you.

Class 4 – Cake Sale

Cakes will be on sale today after school.

Popcorn and PJ’s Movie Night – 29th January

The last day to purchase your tickets for the above night will be Friday 22nd January. They are available from the school office.

Film Club – Tuesday 19 January

Mrs Johnson will be doing Film club in Class 3 for this week only. Please therefore collect your child/children from this classroom and not from the Hall. Thank you.

Cake sale for Children in Need

We have a number of plates and storage containers which have been left in school after the cake sale. They are in reception for collection. Thank you.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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