Hope House – Wristbands

We are supporting Hope House during national Children’s Hospice week by selling their wristbands in school. We have a box of wristbands in reception and the suggested donation is £1.

Thank you.

Old £5 notes

The legal tender of the old £5 notes will be withdrawn on Friday 5th May. We will be unable to accept these after this date.


Keyboard Lessons – Summer Term

For children who have Keyboard lessons, Mrs Mew has changed the groups around for next term, so can all children please bring their books in on both the Wednesday and Thursday of the first week back. Thank you.

Mini Marathon Sponsor Forms/Money

Please could all sponsor forms and monies be brought into school by Friday7th April at the latest, Thank you.

Easter Egg Competition – Reminder

All entries for the Co-op Easter Egg competition are to be handed into reception by Friday morning (31st March)

Image result for easter egg

Dinner Money

We are nearing the end of the financial year and the kitchen require any outstanding dinner money to be paid by Thursday of this week. This includes dinners taken this week.

Many thanks.


Lost uniform

Please could you check that your child has not come home in any items of clothing which belong to another child, as we have a couple of children who have mislaid sweatshirts/cardigans in the last week (both of which are labelled with their names.)  If you could also check that your child’s uniform is labelled at the same time, we would be very grateful.

Many thanks for your support.

London Marathon – Design a Costume

Nikki Cooke is running the London Marathon in April to raise money for our school. Can all completed designs for the costume be returned to the office by Thursday 2nd March.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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