Christmas Card Designs

Can all Christmas card designs be returned to the school office by tomorrow, 12th October. Thank you.

The Corbet School Open Day

Please see attached poster for details of The Corbet School’s Open day this year.

Open day advert 17

Tempest – Class Photographs

Please can we have all Class photograph orders by the end of the day tomorrow as Tempest are collecting them from us on Wednesday.

Thank you.

Music Lessons – September

If your child is interested in learning to play the Drums, Guitar or Keyboard next term please speak to the school office. Teachers from Shropshire Music Service come into school during the afternoons to give lessons to small groups. Invoices are issued half termly.

If your child already has lessons and no longer wishes to continue, please let the office know.

Matalan Vouchers

Matalan are offering parents an exclusive discount on their Back to School uniform range. Click on the link below for details and vouchers.

Matalan Vouchers

Sports Day – Wednesday 21st June

Just a reminder that next Wednesday is our Sports Day, providing it does not rain! Should the grass be too wet, we will make the decision to cancel as early as we can and send out a tweet/put a post on the website.  Fingers crossed we will still be able to go ahead so children will need to bring a drink and sunhat and remember to wear/bring to school their coloured t-shirt. Children will be told which team they are in and which coloured t-shirt they will need this week. Our reserve date is still Wednesday 5th July.

The kitchen will be serving a picnic-style lunch consisting of pizza (vegetarian option available), hot-dog, chips/pasta, a cookie/muffin and a bottle of water. You are more than welcome to bring your own packed lunch and join us. Please could we remind people to use the village hall car park and not block Bicton Lane.  Thank you.


School Photographer Visit – 13th June

Tempest Photography will be in school next Tuesday 13th June to take individual portraits, siblings together and class photos. If you would like photographs of your child/children with younger siblings who are not in school, please be at school for just after 8:30am.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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