FOBs Christmas Hampers

Please see attached poster with details of when tickets for the Christmas Hampers will be be on sale and when the draws will take place.

Hamper poster

Raffle Tickets – FOBs

Please can all Raffle Tickets be returned to the school office by Monday 4th December at the latest. We would appreciate if all unsold tickets are returned also. Thank you.

NSPCC Sponsorship

Can all sponsorship forms and money be returned to the school office by tomorrow morning at the latest. The NSPCC are delivering a thank you assembly in the morning.

Non Uniform Day – Reminder

Tomorrow, Friday 3rd November, is a non-uniform day to help raise funds for school. Children are able to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for paying £1 per child (£2 per family) and some of the monies raised will be put towards buying prizes for the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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