Christmas Cards

The Christmas Card your child designed will be coming home today. Can we please have all orders returned to the school office by Wednesday 12th December. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Friends of Bicton School. Thank you.

Outstanding Club Money

Can all outstanding club money be paid by the Friday 14th December. If you are unsure what is due, please speak to the office. Thank you.

Cold Weather

Now that the weather has turned colder, please could you make sure your child brings a coat, hat, scarf and gloves to school to wear at break and lunchtimes. Thank you.

School Lunch on Wednesdays

As well as a Roast Dinner the kitchen will now also be offering a Jacket Potato with Cheese and Beans for lunch on Wednesdays.

Parent Meetings – Tuesday 23rd October

The booking system for our Autumn Term Parent Meetings on Tuesday 23rd October will be open on the website shortly.

You can book an appointment by visiting the Parents Area of the website and clicking on the link. Please then select your child’s class and choose a time slot from the ones which are available and highlighted in green.Once selected a confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided.



FOBs Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 17th July – 7pm

Message from FOBs –

Please join us at our AGM to discuss how money raised will be spent and help us to come up with fundraising ideas for 2018/19. Should you be able to spare some time, we always welcome new volunteers.

By attending the meeting you are not committing to joining FOBs, please feel free to come along and give us your input with no strings attached!

Date: Tuesday 17th July

Time: 7:00pm

Place: Bicton Primary School

We hope to see you there!




Dinner Money

Please can all dinner monies for this week be paid in full before Wednesday. Thank you.

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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