Fobs Summer BBQ – Friday 12th July

Please see the attached poster with details of the FOBS Summer BBQ on Friday 12th July.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Food on sale

Today there will be a fruit pot and sweet sale after school and on Thursday morning from 8am bacon and sausage baps will be on sale in the hall for £2.00 for adults and children.


Gardening evening

As rain is still forecast for Friday, we have postponed the gardening evening until next Friday 21st June when hopefully the weather will be better!

Sweet sale after school Friday

Fobs will be having a sweet sale on the playground after school Friday 24th May.

Windspiration 2019

The letter that has been sent out for Windspiration on Tuesday 2nd July is for Year 2’s only in Class 3, not Year 1’s in class 2.

New Lunch Menu

Please click the link below to access the new School lunch menu which begins after the Easter holidays.

Lunch Menu April 2019



No After School Clubs this Friday, 29th March.

In view of the Easter Disco this Friday, there will be NO After School Clubs on.

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