sQuid – Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for those who have already registered for sQuid, the school’s payment system. Please see attached Frequently Asked Questions for further information.

It is important to register for a sQuid account to allow you to pay for clubs, school trips, nursery fees, performances and other school offers.

If you have lost your registration letter with details of how to do this, please contact the school office.

sQuid Frequently Asked Questions

Booking and paying for Clubs through sQuid

From Monday 23rd November, Breakfast Club, 8:30 Club and After School Club will need to be booked and paid for through the school’s payment system, sQuid.

All clubs will be available to you to book and pay through the Trips and Offers purse as a Booking. You can access the booking area now but can only book clubs from Monday 23rd November onwards and payment will be needed at the time of booking.

You will be able to select which clubs your child will be attending on which dates and pay the amount that is required. If your child attends the same clubs each week, you can book and pay weekly. monthly or for the whole term if you prefer.

If you have already paid for clubs in advance, you do not need to go in and book/pay again as I am aware of who has already paid and for which clubs. Once you have used all of your credit, you will need to book for future clubs using the booking system. If you are unsure how much in credit you are, please contact the school office.


Parent Meetings

Telephone parent meetings are being held between 9th November and 26th November. If you haven’t yet booked an appointment can you please do so through the school website.

Thank you.

Remembrance Day Poppies

Each class have a supply of Poppies and other British Legion products that the children can purchase this week to support The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The suggested donations are between 50p and £1.50.

Flu Vaccination

Unfortunately the Immunisation Team were unable to get to our school today. Mrs Johnson is very sorry about this, and will be speaking to them regarding the inconvenience and disruption this has caused.

The nursing team have said they will be with us tomorrow, Friday 2nd October, to give the vaccination.

School Dinners

Please find attached the new school lunch menu. The cost of a school dinner is now £2.30.

Lunch Menu 2020

Year 6 end of year party!

Message from Barbie:-

Hi Year 6 parents,

It’s the last week and it’s nearly time for us all to say our goodbyes. I have arranged an after party at Bicton Village Hall, on the field, after school on Thursday 16th July.

I have asked if we could have access to the toilets, which they are happy for us to use. We will have to clean them after we have used them. We need to follow the guidelines and risk assessment and I will need all names and it will be kept for 21 days. I would need to be contacted if anyone becomes unwell with Coronavirus symptoms during this time.

Bring your own picnic rugs and food for you and your child. If you have any outside games, please bring them along too.

Ladies, maybe we could all have a toast to the kids (bring a bottle and your own glass!)

Email: barbies.bites@btinternet.com

If you could let me know if you can make it.

I look forward to seeing you all.

Barbie and Ellie xx



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