Home learning WC: 20.04.2020


Good morning Class 2,


Welcome to your third official week of home learning! I really do hope that you were all able to have as nice an Easter holiday as possible in the circumstances. I hope you had a cracking time with your Easter eggs! The weather has been really nice over the past few weeks, so I hope you had the chance to be able to make the most of it!


Please find attached the home learning for this week:

Home learning

Just finally, I wanted to let you know that I have been able to find books online which follow on from the books which were given to the children prior to the lockdown. This is a resource for “Rising Stars” books. So, if your child has a book which has been published by “Rising Stars”, and you would like me to give you access to books specific for your child, please email me and I will get that all sorted for you. The e-books will be books which are in the range we have in school. There may be a couple of children who may have gone past this stage, but I am hoping that the vast majority of the children will now have this resource available for them.

My email is: Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk


I hope that you are all well. As always, please email me if you ever need any help or advice and I will get back to you as soon as I can!


Mr Taylor

Home Learning – WC: 6/4/20

Good morning Class 2!


I hope that you all had a good week last week. Thank you once again to those of you who sent me an update of the learning which you did last week. It was brilliant to see!


As you may have seen from Mrs Johnson’s post yesterday, there is an Easter pack which we have got for your child to complete if they wish to. These next two weeks would normally have been the Easter holidays. Therefore, there is no pressure whatsoever to complete the tasks. These tasks are uploaded so that if you wish to carry on doing some work at home then you have the opportunity to do so. I have also attached some fun Maths activities alongside some Phonics ideas. Once again, these are totally optional. The activities which are linked to this post will be the exact same for next week too. However, if you complete these tasks and decide that next week you would like some further tasks, then please email me and I will send some across to you.


There have been some parents emailing me to let me know that their child has read the books which they were given from school. This is really pleasing to hear! If you would like your child to be reading more books suitable to their reading level then please click on the link I have provided to Oxford Owl. You will need to register but it is completely free. There is a fantastic amount of books available. If you need any help with this then please contact me. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/books/free-ebooks/

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It is Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk


I wish you all a very Happy Easter!


Easter pack:

Easter Home Learning Pack




Phonics ideas



Year 1 Maths:

Easter Maths booklet


Year 2 Maths:

Addition tasks

Subtraction tasks

Addition and Subtraction Secret Message task

Home learning WC:30/3/2020

Good morning Class 2!


Welcome to your second week of Home learning. I hope that you are all well and safe. The weather last week was amazing, so I really hope that you were able to make the most of it and were outside in your garden a lot!


Can I please say a massive thank you to those of you who have emailed me updates of the learning which you did last week. Some of you even sent pictures through. It has been amazing to hear all of the different activities which some of you have done. Please do keep sending me some updates, I can’t wait to hear what you get up to this week.


This week’s home learning is set up different to last week. This is a whole school approach which we will be using during the following weeks which we are having to work at home. Instead of there being different documents for you to click on, all of the learning will be stored onto one document. Inside this document the learning will focus around Maths, Literacy and Phonics. There is also different learning projects which you can pick and choose which ones to complete throughout the week.


If your child is in Year 2 and they are a free reader, they do not need to complete the Phonics tasks. They are more than welcome to if they like, but that task is put in there for those children in Year 1 to complete as well as children in Year 2 who need a bit of a Phonics boost. I have put in the link for the Ruth Miskin videos once again in the document. However, if your child would rather learn Phonics differently, I have put in some suggested sounds for them to focus on and they can practise these sounds on the websites I have provided.


Please do keep giving me updates on how you are getting on, I can’t wait to hear from you. I hope this week goes well for you all and that you stay safe and well. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions at all. My email is Class2@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk


Take care!

Mr Taylor

Home Learning

Class 2 home learning – WC: 23.3.2020



I hope that you are all well! It has been a crazy few weeks hasn’t it!

I just wanted to use this post as a chance to help explain how each week will work. I would firstly just like to make it clear that I totally appreciate that each of you have totally different situations going on, so if your child is not able to complete the suggested tasks each week, then please do not worry in the slightest. If your child is able to complete the activities, then that would be amazing! The links are posted at the bottom of this post.

All of the tasks for the children to complete at home will be put on the “Class 2” page on the school website. This will be updated each week.

In a purple file I have given each child a blank book for them to complete some of the activities in. Please can your child write the date for each piece of work which they complete in their book? There are also a few reading books which your child has been given to read during the time that we are off. For those children who have not been given a purple folder on Friday, these have been placed in the Reception area of the school and ready for you to collect..

There has been a list sent out to all parents with suggested websites to go on. I will put some website/game links at the very bottom of the documents for further support.

I really do wish you all very good health. It has been fantastic to have the privilege to teach every child in the class. I really am so proud of how much each of them has progressed so much in such a short space of time. I really hope they will be able to be back in the classroom very soon!

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me. I will reply as quickly as I can. My email address is Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Very best wishes,

Mr Taylor



Activities – Please click on the attachment to view this week’s learning.







Class 2 spelling patterns to be tested 7.3.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The vowel digraph “er”. E.g better, under, summer, winter.

Year 2: Adding “-ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y” to a word ending in “e”. E.g hiking, nicer, nicest, scary.

Space topic creations!

Hi all,

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to every single one of you who helped with the incredible space creations. They look amazing! They really have totally transformed the classroom. We are so grateful for your help with these projects as they have helped spark the children’s interest into our new “Space” topic. We also recognise that the creations can take a very long time to make, so thank you very much for your efforts!


I just thought that you might like to see the picture of the finished project.


Thank you once again for your support, it’s greatly appreciated.

Spelling patterns to be tested 31.1.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The vowel digraph “ar”. E.g car, start, park, arm, garden.

Year 2: Adding “ing” to a word ending in “y”. E.g copying, crying, replying, carrying.

Class 2 spellings to be tested 24.01.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The trigraph “igh”. E.g right, bright, light, night, fright.

Year 2: Adding ed, er and est to a word ending in “y” with a consonant before it. E.g happier, copied, driest, funnier.

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