Bicton wins the Gold Award!

Bicton CofE Primary School has been awarded the School Games GOLD Award for our PE and sports provision.

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we, Bicton CofE Primary School, have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

Our physical activity and school sport achievements this year include:
Starting a girls football team.
Taking part in the Daily Mile initiative.
Starting the Sports Leader Award with Year 5.
Taking non-participating children to write match reports.
Taking part in a wide variety of School Games events.
Having our Sports Leaders officiate events at other schools.

We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.

As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.

We look forward to applying once again in 2023!

Mr J Taylor

Microsoft Teams



The children have all been assigned a piece of work to their Microsoft Teams account this morning. The reason for this is to ensure that in case we ever have the unfortunate situation of our bubble closing then we are fully prepared. The piece of work which has been assigned is just a test and does not have any significance to what the children are learning in school. We are asking that you can please use the Microsoft Teams logins and log in either tonight or tomorrow with your children to ensure that this process runs smoothly. Please can you make sure that the work is submitted so that the whole process is assessed.


There are instructions on the assignment in order to help both yourselves and your children complete the practice piece of work. The children’s logins for Microsoft Teams are stuck in their reading diary. If there are any questions at all then please email me or contact me on ClassDojo


Best wishes,

Mr Taylor

Curriculum overview

Good afternoon,


Here is the curriculum overview for Rowan class and Maple class:

Autumn half term 2 overview


We had a great first half term back in school and it was brilliant to see how the children have all settled back into the school routines. We are really looking forward to diving deeper into our Geography topic of “Earthquakes and Volcanoes.”  Our English book “Escape from Pompeii” fits this topic perfectly and it has been brilliant to have seen the children combining their knowledge from both subject areas.


If a child has to self isolate or the bubble closes, remote learning will be provided via Microsoft Teams. There has been a letter which was sent out from Mrs Johnson before half term to explain how this will work.


Finally, if you can, please download the Class Dojo app so that we can share any achievements or news regarding your child. A letter has gone out with details on how to sign in.

If there are any questions at all then please don’t hesitate to ask!


Best wishes,

Mr Taylor and Mrs Erasmus

Show Racism the Red Card

Dear Parents/Guardians,


On Friday 16th October, Hazel, Rowan, Maple and Oak will be marking “Wear Red Day” in support of the “Show Racism the Red Card” charity. Each class will be creating pieces of artwork to symbolise the continuing fight against racism and discrimination, and to celebrate our differences.


We are asking the children in these classes to wear something red and bring a £1 donation to the charity. This is going to be a really exciting day for the children, and I am looking forward to seeing the art work that is produced! We will be sharing some pieces of work via a virtual exhibition on the school website on week beginning 19th October. Please remember to check the school website regularly for important updates.


Best wishes



I hope that you are all doing ok.


Here are the links for Spelling Shed and for Times Tables Rock Stars:


The children should all have their logins glued into their reading diary, please let me know if you have any problems at all.


Best wishes,

Mr Taylor

Spelling shed


Good afternoon,


As a school, we have adapted how we will be testing the children on their spellings. This year we will be using the resources on Spelling Shed. This will allow the children to practise their spellings through games and they will have a weekly quiz based on the words they have been practising that week. This quiz will take part each Monday morning.

This morning, the remaining children all received their login details for Spelling shed. These details have been glued into each child’s reading diary. Please do encourage your child to use this site as much as they can throughout the week.

We are still using Times Table Rock Stars and it has been brilliant to hear the stories of the children who have been taking part in this at home. The children should all have their login details for this too. Please let me know if you need another copy.


If you need any help with anything at all, please just let me know and I will get it sorted for you instantly.


Have a good week,

Mr Taylor

Welcome back!


Good afternoon,

We have had a brilliant first week in Rowan class! I have been so proud of how the children have adapted to the new routines and how motivated they have been to work. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable first week.

I just wanted to share with you a few pieces of information for the following weeks.



The children will be having PE on Monday and Friday during this term. Please can you make sure that the children come to school wearing their PE kits on these days?


Reading book

All of the children have now been given a reading book from the school library. The children will be allowed into the library on Thursday afternoons and will have the opportunity to swap their book if they are finished with them.


Timestables Rockstars

The children have been given their logins for Timestables Rockstars and Numbots. The children have all practised these games this week and it would be brilliant if they could play these games from time to time whilst they are at home too.


I hope that you all have a brilliant weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mr Taylor

Leaving gift


The children who were in school managed to receive their leaving gifts yesterday from myself and Mrs Allen, but I wanted to make sure that those children who haven’t been able to come back to school don’t feel left out.

I have attached a Bitmoji version of our class to this post, so please feel free to download and print it yourself at home! We weren’t able to have a class photo this year, so this is hopefully the next best thing!


Thank so much for all of the lovely messages and gifts which have been sent this week. It really does mean a lot! It has been a real privilege to have been able to teach your children in Class 2.


Thank you once again for all of your support over the past few months.

I hope you all have a great Summer holiday!


Best wishes,

Mr Taylor and Mrs Allen

Class 2 photo

Home learning WC: 13.7.20


Good morning Class 2,


I can’t believe quite believe that this is the final week of term! When I joined in January I could never have imagined that the school year would end like this. It is such a shame that I won’t be able to say goodbye to all of the children, but I would just like to say that it really was a massive privilege to have taught Class 2 as a whole for the time that I did. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents for the support you have shown during this very unique time. It has been so nice to have been in such frequent contact over email with so many of you. I completely understand that for so many of you it has been tough having to combine work-life with looking after the children at home, but from what I have seen, you have done a brilliant job! It really has been so nice to have seen the work which the children have done but also the pictures and life updates of things which have been achieved, such as learning to ride a bike. The children who have been able to come back to the classroom have really benefited from seeing these updates too. A huge well done must go to the children for how well they have adapted to the new routines and how hard they have worked as well.


Mrs Bowes has set the school the challenge of “Sock Olympics”. The children who are in class will be taking part in this during the week, so please send in any videos to my email address ( and I will share them with the class. Please see the post at the bottom of this message for further details.


I’d just like to thank each of you once again for your support during this time.

I hope to see you at some point in September!


Please take very good care of yourselves and have a fantastic summer holiday!


Mr Taylor


This week’s home learning:

Home learning



Year 1:

Monday: – Video

Time to the hour – Worksheet

Time to the hour – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Time to the half hour – Worksheet

Time to the half hour – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Writing time – Worksheet

Writing time – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Comparing time – Worksheet

Comparing time – Answers



Year 2:

Monday: – Video

Telling time to 5 minutes – Worksheet

Telling time to 5 minutes – Answer


Tuesday: – Video

Hours and days – Worksheet

Hours and days – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Find durations of time – Worksheet

Find durations of time – Answers


Thursday: Video

Compare durations of time – Worksheet

Compare durations of time – Answers



Please see below Mrs Bowes’ post:


Are you ready for ‘Sock Olympics?’  Next week we will be challenging all the children and staff to complete 8 challenges using a ball of socks!  All children who are currently not back at school are invited to join in at home and send their class teacher photos / videos of how they get on.  Parents, you are equally welcome to have a go!

Can we ask that the children who are in school come prepared with a spare pair of socks to use please.

We have set 8 challenges for you to complete:

Watch this video to see how each challenge is done.

Sock Olympics – information and score sheet.

Have fun!

Home learning WC: 6.7.20


Good morning Class 2,


I hope that you all had a good week last week. Thank you to those of you who have sent photos of the work you have been doing. It is so nice to see and to share this with the children who are in the class. I’m so proud of how hard you have worked!


I hope you all have a great week,

Mr Taylor




Here is this week’s home learning:

Home learning


Optional English Units:

Year 1:  Y1-Sayeeda


Year 2: Y2-Emma-Elves






Year 1:

Monday: – Video

Find a half – Worksheet

Find a half – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Find a half – Part 2 – Worksheet

Find a half – Part 2 – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Find a quarter – Worksheet

Find a quarter – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Find a quarter – Part 2 – Worksheet

Find a quarter – Part 2 – Answers



Year 2

Monday: – Video

Litres – Worksheet

Litres – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Temperature – Worksheet

Temperature – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

O’clock and half past – Worksheet

O’clock and half past – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Quarter past and quarter to – Worksheet

Quarter past and quarter to – Answers

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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