Baschurch Juniors

We have been asked if we could share this information

Baschurch Juniors FC U11’s are looking for enthusiastic footballers to play in the 2015/2016 Season.  IS YOUR BIRTHDAY BETWEEN SEPT 2004 – AUG 2005 AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE SHROPSHIRE JUNIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE?   Please contact us on the numbers below to register your interest and an informal chat about the club and the training sessions available:  Steve (Head Coach) 07970 614200  Michelle (Assistant) 07970 614200 Mark (Assistant) 07960 960 565  –  Play Tournaments This Summer Holiday!!!

Craft Club

Please note after May half term there will no longer be a Craft Club.  We are currently looking at other options please keep checking the web site for further information.

Live the Adventure – Stottesden

Just to let you know that everyone have arrived safely at Stottesden.

Extended Schools Service

Please see link below giving information regarding Parent and Child Key Stage 2 Maths Workshop at Myddle C E Primary School.  If you would like a booking form please contact school office.

KS2 Maths flyer 12Mar15

Information from Shropshire County Council

Health teams in Shropshire are urging residents to keep warm and well this winter.

In response to the severe weather warnings for the coming week, health teams across Shropshire are urging residents to be prepared and take action to ensure they keep warm, safe and well.  Severe cold weather can be dangerous, and keeping yourself warm throughout the winter months is essential to staying healthy, especially for the very young, older people, or those with a chronic condition such as heart disease and asthma.  Each year the NHS sees people, particularly older people, admitted to hospital, or in serious cases dying, with conditions aggravated by the cold weather.  On average, 24,000 deaths occur in England per year as a result of the cold temperatures. A significant proportion of these excess winter deaths could be prevented if people take a few precautions and are prepared for winter.  Those with respiratory problems should especially be prepared and take extra precautions to stay warm, as the cold can often aggravate their condition.  The following tips can help people to keep warm, well and safe, and stay out of hospital during periods of cold weather:

At home

  • Keep warm by setting your heating to the right temperature (18-21°C).  Make sure curtains are drawn properly and doors are closed to block out draughts.
  • Have your heating and cooking appliances checked regularly.
  • Look after yourself, and check on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be vulnerable to the cold.  Make sure they are safe, warm and well.
  • Have regular hot meals and drinks throughout the day, and keep active to help your body stay warm.  Eating regularly helps keep energy levels up during winter.
  • Wrap up warm if you need to go outside on cold days, but wear layers, and wear shoes with a good grip if you need to go outside.
  • Stay alert to the weather forecast at and plan ahead with supplies.  So you know in advance when you need to take extra care on icy pavements, or take action to keep warm.

Your health and well-being

  • It’s not too late to vaccinate – Make sure you’re up to date with your flu jab, to protect yourself and others from  influenza.  To find out if you’re eligible visit
  • Feeling under the weather? – If you are feeling a bit sniffly visit and for advice on how to treat yourself better.
  • Do you need to go to A&E? Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Choose Well 2014 campaign is asking people to think twice about where they go to get treatment, rather than heading straight to A&E.  The best option may be to stay at home to recover, to visit a pharmacy for treatment, to book a GP appointment, or to call NHS 111 for advice and signposting to a healthcare service.  If you need a doctor out of hours call Shropdoc on 08444 06 88 88.      For more advice, visit, or visit Shropshire CCG’s   website at
  • There is also wide range of information and advice available at Shropshire Council’s Get ready for winter webpages to help people prepare themselves for cold weather and help those struggling to afford heating bills. The website also includes updates on school closures and road gritting.  Visit


 Need support?

  • Get financial support to make your home more energy efficient, improve your heating or help with bills.
  • If you are over 60, a family on a low income or have a disability, you can also download the Government’s “Keep Warm Keep Well” booklet at:  The booklet has been  produced by Public Health England, in association with other partners.  It aims to help people maintain good health during winter, and to take advantage of the financial help and benefits that are available.

These precautions, including having enough medication and food in your house, can help avoid being admitted to hospital.  Shropshire’s health teams from the NHS, West Midlands Ambulance Service, Shropshire Council, Telford and Wrekin Council, and the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), are also urging communities to get involved in promoting these important messages. Karen Calder, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for health, and member of Shropshire’s Health and Well-being Board, said: “Winter can cause real problems, particularly for our most vulnerable residents.  We want to encourage as many people to be prepared this winter, to take care of their health, and prevent themselves and others from getting caught out in the cold.

“If you know someone who may be vulnerable to cold weather, be a good neighbour and check on anyone who may be more vulnerable to the cold; help ensure they are keeping well and, importantly, warm.”  Dr Caron Morton, MBE, Accountable Officer of Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, commented:  “We have already seen a rise in people with breathing problems brought on by colds and flu; this is likely to increase with a cold snap.  So make sure you have a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home so you can care for yourself.  Also remember that your local pharmacy can help with a range of minor illnesses, so make sure you know where your nearest one is and when it is open.” For up to date news on emergency situations in Shropshire follow us on twitter @shropcaution

For up to date news on keeping well in winter follow @shropsccg and @sathnhs


Father Christmas – Tickets

Santa will be visiting Classes 4 and 5 between 1:00 and 2:00 on Thursday afternoon, before the Christmas Fayre starts, so please can you ensure they bring their yellow ticket with them.



Father Christmas


                          FATHER CHRISTMAS

Tickets to see Father Christmas will be on sale from Wednesday 3rd December in reception.  Price per child – £2.50.

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