Cross Country (3.15pm – 4.15pm) – Cancelled

There will be no Cross Country on the 6th June, due to school disco.


Scholastic Books

If you would like to order from Scholastic Books please can I have all orders by Thursday, 15th May.

Head Lice

We have been made aware that there are a couple of cases of head lice in school at the moment. Could we please ask that you check your child’s/children’s hair carefully and use appropriate treatment if you find that your child is affected before they return to school.

There are leaflets available at the Office with the latest information on how to treat for head lice but if you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or another member of staff.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 5 – Residential Trip

Please can I have all Kingswood Under 18’s medical consent form back by Friday 9th May at the latest. Thanks


Please see the calendar for future events i.e  Sports Day/Celebration Assembly/Year 6 Leavers assembly.

Live the Adventure – Residential trip

Just to let you know the children are all fine and having a lovely time.  They are having problems getting an internet signal so there will be more pictures of the trip when they return.  Arrival time should be 4.30pm approx.

Permission Slips

Year 3’s and Year 4’s – Please can we have your permission slips for Stepping Out –  Road Safety in by the first day of term –  Monday 28th April.

Class 5 – Please can we have your permission slips for swimming in by the first day of term – Monday 28th April.

Permission Forms – Swimming – Class 4 and 5

Please can I have all permission slips by Tuesday, 8th April, at the latest.

Easter Egg Competition

Just a reminder that all Easter Egg pictures need to be handed in to reception by Monday morning, 7th April.  The Co Op will be judging them at 10.30am.


School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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