One of our cluster schools are offering an “E-SAFETY INFORMATION SESSION – FOR PARENTS AND CARERS” on Tuesday 9th September – 6pm – 7.30pm, at Ruyton XI Towns C E Primary School.

The session will cover – Using the internet safely, supporting good research, social networking, mobile phones and texting, uploading photos and videos and emails.

If you would like to attend please contact Kath Nicholas, Extended Schools.  Telephone number 01939 260445 by Monday, 8th September at the latest.


Cancelled Clubs – October

Please note there will be NO CLUBS on Tuesday 21st October and Wednesday 22nd October due to Parents Evening.

Co -Op

On the 19th July – (Saturday – 12pm – 1pm)  the Co Op will have a stall outside their entrance for trading Fifa World Cup Brazil stickers.  All welcome to trade.



Class 5 Trip – London

Please can I have all permission slips/money in by the end of the week.

Class 4 Trip

Will arrive back at school for 3pm.

Class 5 – Residential Trip

Just to let you know they have arrived safely.  Unfortunately there is no network signal so they will not be able to post any pictures on the web site over the weekend.

Family Sportsfest (FOBS)

Friday 20th June – 5pm  – 7pm.    If you think you are able to come to this event please can you send in your reply slips by Friday 20th.

Permission Slips – Brass Extravaganza – Class 5

Please can I have all permission slips for the Brass Extravaganza back by Monday 9th June.


School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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