Friday 21st June Gardening and Painting Event 15.30 onwards

FOBS would like to welcome school and nursery families to this event.  Please come along and help to create and enjoy the lovely Wildlife and Sensory Garden; sensible footwear, painting clothes and gardening gloves are essential, and any spare plants you have would also be very welcome.  Refreshments are provided by FOBS, and we are looking forward to an afternoon / evening in the sunshine.

Gardening Day Sunday 17th March 2019

FOBS have organised another sociable day in the garden, 10am to 4pm. We would like to welcome families from the School and Nursery community to come along and help to make the Sensory Garden a success for its third year.

We will be adding compost / soil to the raised beds, planting new spreading / trailing plants, planting seeds in the veg plots, plus lots of general weeding, tidying and feeding of the fruit trees in the orchard. No specific experience required.

We provide tools and delicious refreshments during the day.  Please can you bring gardening gloves for yourself and your child / children if possible and wear suitable shoes.

Any donations of plants / seeds / children’s gloves gratefully received.

If you can come along for an hour or a few hours or even the day please leave your name at Reception.

Looking forward to see you.

Catherine Orrell


FOBS Autumn Term Newsletter

Welcome to the FOBS Autumn term –  don’t forget to the save the date for the Wine & cheese tasting evening!




FOBS would like to invite you to take a look at the next Bag2school collection dates for your diary. Recycling old clothing is a great way to pass on unwanted clothes while raising worthwhile and much appreciated funds for school!

Thank you in advance FOBS.

FOBS Bag2school 2018

Gardening Day

FOBS are organising a day in the garden with refreshments, this Saturday 23rd September 10am to 4pm. Hope to see you there, everyone is welcome to call in for half an hour or a few hours.  Please can you sign the list at reception if you are able to help.

Ideas for jobs include :

1, More weeding and tidying.

2, Move over sized shrubs from reception to another area.

3, Paint pedestrian entrance gate, fence in Nursery, lower fence of shelter.

4, Move boulders into dipping pond and make wildlife ladder.
5, Tidy veg beds.
6, Seed meadow area.
7, Cement in fossils, shells, stones into recesses in sensory area.
8, Remove plastic tubes, as per instructions of Mrs Johnson.
9, Any other jobs….

Year 6 Leavers Party – Bicton Village Hall – 19th July

Dear Year 6 Parents,

We would like to invite all Year 6 pupils to the Leavers Party at Bicton Village Hall on Wednesday 19th July straight after Frankie & Bennys.

There will be sweets, popcorn a disco and games and the bar will be open for the adults all for £4 per child.  If your child would like to attend please can money be left in Reception in an envelope with your child’s name.

We hope you can all join us for a drink and lots of fun!

Sharon, Marina & Barbie

Garden: harvest, frogs and art!

On Monday a few children had a “taste” of the garden and all it has to offer, harvesting cucumbers (which have been served at lunch), “smiley” peas (frozen to make salad for the BBQ next week), meeting the poly tunnel frogs (we saw 2), wondering at pond life.  Also shown is a selection of the glass fusion tiles, made as part of the Tesco Bags of Help Sensory and Wildlife Garden, which are being framed for display in a garden entrance arch.


FOBS AGM 23.06.17

Dear parents and guardians,
As you know, FOBS AGM is next Friday 23rd June at 1.30 pm at the school. This is when the new committee is elected for the following year. Usually most of the committee members are reelected every year however this year we have several vacancies to be filled. At the moment we are in urgent need of finding parents willing to take on the role of Chair. Unfortunately our constitution doesn’t allow us to operate without a Chair. Therefore it is really important for FOBS and indeed the school to find someone who would like to volunteer for this role otherwise FOBS won’t be able to continue.
I have been the Chair of FOBS for nearly four years and yes, the role needs a certain degree of commitment, but in my experience it is really rewarding, good fun and I’d like to think I am leaving having made great friendships and made a difference.
If you would be interested in knowing more about the role please get in contact with me.
Kind regards
Marina Turmo-Luengo
01743 413517


Bag2School – 12th June

Please start collecting any unwanted clothes or textiles (clean but in any condition). You will be provided with a Bag2School plastic bag (bin liners are fine too) and they will be collected from school on the morning of Monday 12th June.

This is an excellent way we can raise funds for school whilst educating the children on the importance of recycling.

They accept the following items;
Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Handbags, ties, belts, hats and soft toys

They will not accept;
Duvets, bedding, household linen
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (inc. bath, shower and toilet mats)
School uniform
Corporate clothing and work wear
Shredded or mutilated textile material
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

Further information can be found at


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