Early Help – Christmas Stay and Play Sessions


Mr Andrews took a group of KS2 children to a Panathlon event at Shrewsbury Sports Village.  The children took part in a range of different activities and had a wonderful time!

Head of School Message

We have had a lovely week and rehearsals for the Nativity and KS2 Christmas Carol Concert are in full swing!  We would very much appreciate your support in helping your child to memorise any lines they have and practise singing the songs.  We hope to see lots of you there on Tuesday 10th December at 9.30am (R-Y2 Nativity), and Wednesday 18th December at 6.30pm (KS2 Carol Concert), both at Bicton Church.

We have a number of choir and Handbell events coming up in the next three weeks so if you have been sent a permission form, please complete and return as quickly as possible.

Term dates for 2025-2026 have been released BICTON CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Term Dates 2025-26 so please take note of these when planning ahead for next year.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Mavin


The Phoenix Singers – Thursday 12th December 6pm

This year we’re delighted that the Phoenix Singers will be hosting a Christmas Concert at Bicton, and they have invited the choir and handbell team to join in. We very much hope that people will come along to support this community event. Tickets are £10 for adults and free for children, and they include refreshments at the end. The poster gives details of how to buy tickets, but they are available on the door as well. You can also email Hannah to reserve a ticket (revhannalins@gmail.com).

Award Winners

Well done to this week’s award winners!

Ivy achieved her platinum award in violin!
Oliver- For being a great team player in PE
George- For always participating in class
Logan- For being super resilient this week
Mac- For being kind and caring
Baron- Always showing respect and kindness to others.
We are very proud of all of you!

Spellings wb 25.11.24

Mastery focus: Apostrophes to mark plural possession


Parent Survey Feedback

Thank you to all of the parents who completed our parent feedback survey.  We were delighted with the number of responses and we appreciate and value all of your feedback and comments.  A few of the key responses are shared below.  Our staff and Children’s Safeguarding Board will be exploring some of the suggestions made in the responses including the way children are released from class at the end of the day and parent/carer photograph permissions.

School Council elections have changed this year with children being appointed to the different pupil councils by democratic peer voting.  We were really impressed with the way the children took part in this process and the new school councils will be meeting later this term.

We had some really positive feedback to the new format of our parent drop-in sessions this term which were intended as brief updates as to how your child has settled into this term. We will be having formal parent meetings in the Spring term where anything of a confidential nature can be discussed.  As always, please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher via the school office if there is a confidential matter you need to discuss sooner.

Road to RIAT STEM challenge

On Thursday, Oak class got ready for blast off with the ‘Road to RIAT’ STEM challenge which involved children teaming up to design, build, and test a rocket capable of launching a satellite into space. The excitement was palpable as they channelled their inner aerospace engineers and reached for the stars!

Award winners

A big well done to our award winners this week!

Kian was chosen by our House Captains for settling in brilliantly into Maple Class

Jude has been showing respect in class and is always ready to learn.

Silas has shown great perseverance during his learning.

Isaac has shown love and kindness to new people in Maple.

Charlie has shown great Perseverance and effort in his writing.

Marie was chosen by our Sports Captain for always working hard and giving 110% in PE.


Jacob has done swimmingly this week achieving the level 5 award in his swimming lessons!

Head of School Message

It has been a lovely week in school this week and the children thoroughly enjoyed playing out in the snow at the beginning of the week!  On snowy days we will always endeavour to allow the children outside to play in the snow with their friends.  Please help us by sending children with wellies and spare socks on snowy days.

You may have heard your child talk about the ‘Wow’ challenge in school.  This is a project to encourage active travel to school. Over the next week we will be appointing and training Wow Ambassador in charge of collecting our active travel data.  Read more about it here:  https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/walk-to-school/primary-schools/wow-the-walk-to-school-challenge/

Next week, Oak parents are invited to join their child for lunch at 11.45am on Wednesday.  Please let the school office know if you are able to attend.

Flu immunisations will be taking place on Monday morning (children attending the Panathlon will have theirs before they leave).  Consent was due to be given by Wednesday 20th November.  If you have not yet given consent but would like your child to have the vaccination, please contact the school office.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Mavin




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Music Mark
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