A plea from the parents of Lucas in Year 5

This is a post that we never imagined we would need to write,😢😢 but after almost 17 months of Lucas waiting for a liver transplant, time is not on his side, and with his consultant stressing to us at our last clinic appointment that children with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome need a transplant sooner rather than later, with no possible way of increasing his priority on the Paediatric register and unable to be placed on the adult register yet as he doesn’t weigh enough, we find ourselves writing this in the hope 🙏 that there may be a generous person🧚 out there who would be willing to help Lucas and save his life, by donating a lobe of their liver as a live liver donor. This is possible because the liver is able to regenerate itself and grow back, usually by 12 weeks following surgery.
For those who don’t know Lucas 👦 he was born with a rare liver disease, and although he remained stable for a few years, his health has rapidly declined over the past few years and it was decided almost 17 months ago that he needed a liver transplant. However donors are becoming less, and with Lucas’s size and his blood group being rarer, his chance of receiving a donor offer is smaller (An offer doesn’t always mean the transplant will go ahead as the surgeon needs the check the organ themselves before deciding that it’s suitable for transplant).
At the moment, a live liver donor is Lucas’s best option. We have explored the option of a live donor within the family but unfortunately no-one is a suitable candidate, so we are now putting out this appeal in the hope of finding someone who would be kind and generous enough to be willing to donate some of their liver to save our little boy’s life, as we are really scared that an offer may not come in time and we will lose him.🥺😭
Please only contact the team if you are serious about being a live liver donor, and meet the following criteria, as going through potential donors is an admin intensive task.
🔹 Blood group must be B or O (this MUST be known prior to contacting team, Eldoncard tests can be purchased via Amazon, eBay etc)
🔹BMI under 30
🔹Under 50 years old
🔹Minimal drinker and no smoking 8 weeks prior to surgery
🔹No significant medical conditions
If you meet the above criteria, and are serious about being a live liver donor for Lucas, you can contact the team by email:
More information about live liver donation can be found here (you may need to copy and paste):@

Spellings wb 27.01.25

Mastery Focus: Endings which sound like /shun/ spelt -cian









Head of School Message

Dear parents/carers,

We have had a lovely week in school.  The children have all been working hard, and walking around school the sense of purpose and calm atmosphere has been wonderful to feel.  We waved our oldest children off to Arthog on Wednesday where they have enjoyed 3 jam-packed days of activities – I am sure they will all sleep well tonight!  A big thank you to Miss Nagington, Mr Andrews and Mr Harris for accompanying the children on this amazing trip.

On Friday 14th February (the last day of half term), we are hosting a ‘Number Day’ in school.  Number Day is a maths-inspired fundraising day, celebrating maths while helping to raise money in aid of the NSPCC.  We will be having a day of fun activities, and invite the children to Dress Up for Digits where they make a donation to wear an item of clothing with a number on it.  Funds raised from Number Day will help to support vital NSPCC services like Speak out Stay Safe, which visits primary schools across the UK to teach children about the dangers of abuse and what they can do if they need help.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Mavin


World Book Day – Thursday 6th March

We are looking forward to World Book Day coming up on Thursday 6th March and have organised for a special workshop from ‘West End in Schools’ to visit Bicton that week.  There will be a small charge per child to support us in funding this workshop and more details will follow next week.

Parking reminders

Unless you are a blue badge holder, please do not park in our disabled parking bays.  They are needed for members of our school community.

Award Winners!

A big well done to this week’s award winners!

Isabella for working so hard in the last few days – awarded by her classmates!

Isaac for always being so positive and being a peacemaker.

Emma-Leigh for always showing respect to others.

Ameya for showing kindness to everyone.

Jade for always having a good attitude.

Lucas for working so hard in his P.E lessons.

Arthog payments

We have a number of outstanding payments for the Arthog trip. The first two payments of £40 were due on 1st December and 1st January. Please can all parents/carers ensure they are up to date with payments.

Mrs Mavin

Mr Harris – Team building

Miss Nagington – Team building

Mr Andrews – Team building

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
Becoming Dementia Friendly School
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