Class 4 request!

If you have any unwanted cardboard boxes, larger than cereal box size, we would be very grateful if you would donate them to Class 4 this week!

They will help in transforming the classroom for our brand new novel study starting after Easter.

Thank you!

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a reading comprehension as homework today.  Please remind your child to look at how many marks the question is worth – this will tell them how detailed their answer should be.

This homework is due in on Monday 3rd April.

Thank you!

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today revising the use of homophones.

Please encourage your child to complete their homework independently. This homework will be due back on Monday 27th March.

Thank you!

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on our learning in maths over the last few days.  The children will be revising their measuring skills, converting time, and finding the area and perimeter of shapes.

This homework will be due in on Monday 20th March.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a reading comprehension as homework today. Year 5 will be reading a non-fiction text, and Year 4 will be reading a historical diary entry.  Please remind your child to look at how many marks the question is worth – this will tell them how detailed their answer should be.

This homework is due in on Monday 13th March.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Miss Carr



Class 4 Homework

The children in Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on their learning in English over the past few days.

The Year 4 children will be practising using adverbial phrases, and ensuring that they are punctuated correctly.

The Year 5 children will be practising recognising and using modal verbs.

Please encourage your child to complete as much of their homework as they are able, and to return their homework books promptly on Monday 6th March.

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today.  This homework is a copy of the maths test that the children did in class on Tuesday.  I would like each child to go through the test again, and attempt to answer all of the questions as independently as possible.  When they have done this, I would like them to fill in the slip at the front of the test listing the things they think they are good at, and the things they think they need to improve on.

Have a lovely half term.

Miss Carr


Brass Concert

We were lucky enough to enjoy a brass concert from Years 5 and 6 this morning.  We were amazed at the lovely music they produced with their trombones and trumpets.



Well done everyone!

Year 5 Bikeability

Reminder for all Year 5 pupils taking part in Bikeability this week from Tuesday 7th Feb to Thursday 9th Feb.

Please wear suitable clothing to school i.e tracksuit bottoms/leggings, warm top, waterproof coat, gloves and trainers. Uniform does not need to be worn by those children taking part.

Remember to bring your bike and helmet to school with you!

Thank you,

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today.  It is a reading comprehension text with questions to answer about the text.  The children can see how much detail is needed in their answers by the number of points the question is worth.

This homework will be due back on Monday 16th January.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Carr

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