Spellings wb 20.01.25

Mastery Focus: Endings which sound like /shun/ spelt -ssion


Award Winners!

Values awards

Alfie for always being respectful and helping others.

Logan for showing great perseverance in maths.

Milan for being kind and respectful to others.

Rowan for thinking hard about how to get better at things and asking for help.

Sports awards

Florence for showing great perseverance in gymnastics.

Jack for showing great skills in football at lunchtime.


Head of School Message

We have had a busy and productive week in school this week.  The children are well into the swing of the new term and very much enjoying getting to know any new staff that are working in their classrooms.  We would like to say a warm welcome to the new children and families who have joined us in Nursery, Willow and Maple – welcome to the Bicton family!

We are busy gearing up for the first residential of the school year which is next Wednesday – Friday for our Year 5/6 children to Arthog.  If you were not able to attend the Q&A session on Thursday, please see the slides that Mr Harris shared Arthog 2025 presentation.

We would just like to remind parents/carers to speak to your children about leaving the school grounds safely.  Children/adults should only exit via the pedestrian gate not via the main gates.  Bicton Lane can have cars travelling at speed so children must cross carefully, accompanied by an adult.  If your child walks home alone, please remind them of how to safely cross a road https://www.roadwise.co.uk/schools/using-the-road/green-cross-code/

World Book Day is soon approaching (Thursday 6th March) and as part of our whole school approach to encouraging reading for pleasure, all of the children in school are invited to name one book they think other children should read before they leave Bicton.  This should be their favourite story and one they think other children will enjoy too! Please follow the link to add your child’s choice: Book Choice.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Mavin

Success at Multi skills

A small group of Year 5/6 children enjoyed a morning of Multi skills at the Corbet School in Baschurch.  They had a brilliant time competing in indoor curling, soft tip archery and boccia. They demonstrated great sportsmanship and teamwork.  Well done everyone!

Head of School Message

Happy New Year!

It has been lovely welcoming the children back to school this week. They have all coped brilliantly with the early mornings and frosty starts to the day, and it has been great to see them get straight back into their school routines after the Christmas break.

Although this is a slightly shorter term than the Autumn, it is busy with lots of exciting events for the children to look forward to.  We have our Year 5/6 Arthog trip coming up in a couple of weeks time which I know the children are counting down the days to! Mr Harris and I would like to invite parents who have any questions about the upcoming trip for an informal chat at 2.30pm on Thursday 16th January.  If you are not able to attend but have questions, please pop the office an email.

A letter has gone out this week to Maple Class parents about an upcoming trip to Preston Montford on Friday 7th February.  It is also available on Class Dojo/the school website.

Willow Class will be beginning their Forest School sessions with Kris Kirby, our new Forest School Leader, on Monday.  Kris is also running the afterschool Forest School session for Y2-Y4 and there are still some places available – book now to avoid disappointment!

Chris Aston from Aston’s Kickboxing Academy ran the first afterschool Kickboxing session this week for our KS2 pupils.  There are still 4 places available for his half term if anyone would still like to join.  The children were absolutely exhausted after their session this week!

A quick reminder that in the case of adverse weather where the school is unable to open safely, a message will be sent to Shropshire Council and posted on their website https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/school-closures/primary-schools/.  It will also be posted on the school website and Class Dojo at the earliest opportunity.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Mavin

Award winners

Frankie D for showing kindness and settling in so well into willow class.
George Williams for showing great joy and enthusiasm in his living things and habitats topic.
Kallum for showing respect in school.
Spencer for persevering in maths with multiplication.
Niamh received the house captain award for always working hard.

Spellings wb 07.01.25

Mastery focus: Word list – Years 3 and 4


Star of the term awards 🌟

We have started a new termly award called our ‘Star of the Term’.  These awards go to children who always demonstrate all of our school values and never need reminders of our expectations.  We are very proud of each one of them.  Well done Lucas, George, Jude and Pippin!

Head of School Message

Welcome to the final newsletter of the Autumn term! It has been an extremely long and busy term and children and staff are ready for a good rest over the holidays.  The last couple of weeks have been particularly busy with the various Christmas festivities happening.  It has been wonderful to have the support of the parents and wider community in coming together to celebrate.

This week has been packed with performances! Acorns (Nursery) held an outstanding Christmas performance which parents/carers were invited to attend.  A huge well done to Mrs Allen and her team for helping the children learn their lines and songs. It was a real treat!

Acorns Christmas Performance


The KS2 Carol Concert was another highlight on the festive calendar this week.  I’m sure many of you were still singing Feliz Navidad all evening – I know I was! Well done to all of the KS2 children and particularly to the Year 5 and 6 pupils who read and sang beautifully.

On Thursday, the children were also treated to a visit from Father Christmas himself! Every child met Santa and received a present so a big thank you to FOBs for hosting this event.

Our choir and handbell clubs have been very busy this week, visiting the Coppice, Uplands and the Redwood Centre to sing and perform for residents.  This was a great chance for the children to spread some joy at Christmas time and I know Reverend Hannah and Miss Nagington were very impressed with their performances.

In other news, Year 5/6 enjoyed a dodgeball tournament at the Corbet School on Wednesday, coming in a respectable 5th place.  Well done for showing great respect for your opponents and perseverance in the matches!

The end of term always brings a mixture of emotions – excitement at the thought of the holidays and time spent with loved ones, and sadness as we sometimes have to say goodbye to members of staff.  Mrs Thomas, Mrs Haycocks and Mr Parsons will all be leaving us today and moving on to pastures new.  I would like to thank all of them, on behalf of the whole school community, for the dedication they have shown to our pupils during the time they have been with us.

We are welcoming Mr Foreman (new Birch class teacher) and Mrs Marshall (teaching assistant) to the team in January.  We are also delighted to welcome Mrs Holloway into Birch class from Nursery. Please say hello if you see them around school!

I would just like to take the opportunity for the support you have shown in the last term.  My first term as Head of School has been very busy (!) but extremely rewarding, and I feel privileged to lead such an amazing school.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will be ready to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.

Mrs Mavin and staff

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
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