sQuid Dinner Money

Can all parents please check their sQuid accounts. There are a number of accounts owing dinner money. All debts will need to be cleared before the end of term. Thank you.

Family Charity Quiz Evening

Do you want to test your brains, have a great time and raise money for charity?

Get a team together and come along for a fun evening with great prizes to be won! Invite your family and friends!

Maximum of four adults per team and as many children as you like!

Questions suitable for children and adults.

On Saturday 6th July 2024 at 6:30pm

In the school hall at Bicton CE Primary School

Tickets cost £3 per adult and £2 per child

All money raised will be split between the Toybox Charity and Bicton Primary School & Nursery.

Tickets will be on sale after school from Wednesday to Friday this week outside Oak classroom. Or email owencharityquiz@gmail.com to request tickets.

As well as the quiz, there will be drinks, cakes, a raffle and tombola. If anyone has any prizes they are happy to donate, we would be very grateful.

Many thanks,

Year 6s in Owen House

Weekly News 28.06.24

Hi everyone,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at Sports Day on Wednesday – what a brilliant day! The children were amazing, as always, and showed our school values in abundance 🙂 Well done to parents and family members who did the sprint races – as competitive as always!

Thank you to Sally and Helen J from FOBS for providing much-needed refreshments during the day, and for our administrator Helen J(!) for organising the sale of ice lollies. Helen will be selling ice lollies at the end of the school day today from the school office.

Just a reminder of the information meeting taking place at school on Wednesday 3rd July at 3:30 pm. This will give you opportunity to ask questions about the school becoming an academy and joining the Shropshire Church of England Academies Trust. Please see the link below to the online survey. Many thanks.

MS Form – Online Survey

Letters out this week

Reports letter to parents 2024

Welcome letter to parents June 2024 (Starting School)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Teddy Bear Parachute Drop at Bicton Church

Dear Friends,

Join us at Bicton Church tomorrow morning for our Teddy Bear Parachute Drop! It starts at 11.30am, and will include plenty of cake. In fact, if you’d like to enter a Bake-Off cake (form attached), please do.
All you need to enter the parachute competition is a teddy with a parachute attached. This can be something custom-made, or simply a bin bag/ shopping bag. There will be a prize for the teddy who hits the target.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Love and blessings,
Hannah x

Weekly News 21.06.24

Hi everyone,

We’ve had a really lovely week in school, made all the better with some long-overdue sunshine!

The Year 5s and 6s who attended Arthog last weekend were just the best company for staff and it was a genuine pleasure to spend the weekend with the children. They ate well, looked after each other, persevered in all of the activities, and, most importantly, slept really well!  Thank you for letting your children attend the residential and preparing them so well, and a big thank you from me to the staff who gave up their weekend. On a personal note, thank you Year 5 and 6 for making my last Arthog so enjoyable! 🙂

Well done to Birch class for their excellent behaviour on our visit to Blists Hill on Wednesday. They found the teacher in the Victorian School very strict but soon forgot that when they visited the various shops, especially the sweet shop! 

We look forward to seeing you at our Sports Day on Wednesday 26th – see attached letter below incase the printed letter didn’t make it home. Nursery will be doing their races first at 9:15 am, before the KS2 events start.

Letter to parents Sports Day 2024

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Sports Day – ice lollies for sale

Schoo will be selling ice lollies at break time and lunch time on Sports Day – Wednesday 26th June for £1.00.  Please bring the correct change if possible. Many thanks

Save the Date! Saturday 6th July

Exciting event coming up…
Please save the date for Saturday 6th July.  Year 6s in Owen house are organising a fundraising charity quiz for adults and children. Start arranging your winning team! More details to follow next week.

Mr Harris’ and Miss Robinson’s group – gorge walking

This group walked up the gorge rather than down to the sea and you can clearly see how well they dealt with the challenges and what a great time they had!

Weekly News 14.06.24

Hi everyone,

It’s been a very busy week in school and the children, as always, have amazed us with their resilience. A big well done to children in Year 1 and 2 who have done their phonics screening check and to Year 4s who have done their multiplication check.

We’ve had a great start to our weekend at Arthog with Years 5 and 6 and had  a very sunny afternoon on Fairbourne beach flying kites and various activities involving stones, whereas I spent an hour trying to beat Isaac at Top Trumps!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

School Games Mark – Gold Award
Safer School
Music Mark
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