Do you want to test your brains, have a great time and raise money for charity?
Get a team together and come along for a fun evening with great prizes to be won! Invite your family and friends!
Maximum of four adults per team and as many children as you like!
Questions suitable for children and adults.
On Saturday 6th July 2024 at 6:30pm
In the school hall at Bicton CE Primary School
Tickets cost £3 per adult and £2 per child
All money raised will be split between the Toybox Charity and Bicton Primary School & Nursery.
Tickets will be on sale after school from Wednesday to Friday this week outside Oak classroom. Or email owencharityquiz@gmail.com to request tickets.
As well as the quiz, there will be drinks, cakes, a raffle and tombola. If anyone has any prizes they are happy to donate, we would be very grateful.
Many thanks,
Year 6s in Owen House