Photoclub get snapping

After a foggy start, the sun came out for Photoclub this week and Ernie, Ava and Ella were able to get outside to take photos in good light for a change.  They had a great time concentrating on man-made objects thinking about colour and shape for close up shots.  All the kids have a good eye for interesting objects and just need a little practise at knowing the limits of how close their camera lens can focus and holding the camera steady enough to avoid camera shake blur.

Well done Ernie for winning last week’s medal.  Ernie took an exceptional variety of striking nature close ups in our forest school area.  Keep it up Ernie!

Photoclub welcomes the sun!

In the last couple of weeks the weather has improved and we have finally been able to get outside with the cameras.  The kids have been having a go at photographing nature, concentrating on the varied shapes and textures in the forest school area.  It just shows you don’t need summer flowers to get pretty shots outside.


This half term has been challenging for photography with dark afternoons and apalling weather.  Nonetheless we have managed to squeeze in some outdoor portraits and the kids have learnt a bit about photo editing.

Outdoor portraits by Evie, Aaron, Christian and Joe:

The following week, Evie, Christian and Joe had a go at editing the portraits into effective Mono using :

Last week, with the weather continuing wet, we all had a go at using landscape and texture images downloaded from the net to create a texture layered effect.  Evie, Christian and Joe did an amazing job using a variety of blending modes and degrees of transparency – I’d be happy to have any of their results up on my wall at home!  Well done guys!

Christian landscape texture Evie landscape texture Joe landscape texture

Photoclub – new talent & winter portraits!

We made a good start to Photoclub last week with Christian and Joe and this week Evie and Aaron joined us and we had a go in the challenging winter light at some outdoor portraits.  Everyone had a go at framing some clutter free backgrounds and also posing for their partner – don’t they all look lovely!

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