
Welcome to Hazel

Christmas jumpers for Hazel class

Please can all Hazel class bring in their Christmas jumper and hat tomorrow -THURSDAY 17TH DEC.  They only need to wear it so we can record our Christmas play, so please wear PE kit as normal.  They will still be wearing jumpers on Friday too.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas

See previous messages & posts

Welcome to our Class


Class Rules and Weekly Timetable


Links to Online Resources


Curriculum Planning


Class 3 Curriculum Letter Spring 2018


Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Home learning WC: 13.7.20


Good morning Class 2,


I can’t believe quite believe that this is the final week of term! When I joined in January I could never have imagined that the school year would end like this. It is such a shame that I won’t be able to say goodbye to all of the children, but I would just like to say that it really was a massive privilege to have taught Class 2 as a whole for the time that I did. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents for the support you have shown during this very unique time. It has been so nice to have been in such frequent contact over email with so many of you. I completely understand that for so many of you it has been tough having to combine work-life with looking after the children at home, but from what I have seen, you have done a brilliant job! It really has been so nice to have seen the work which the children have done but also the pictures and life updates of things which have been achieved, such as learning to ride a bike. The children who have been able to come back to the classroom have really benefited from seeing these updates too. A huge well done must go to the children for how well they have adapted to the new routines and how hard they have worked as well.


Mrs Bowes has set the school the challenge of “Sock Olympics”. The children who are in class will be taking part in this during the week, so please send in any videos to my email address (Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk) and I will share them with the class. Please see the post at the bottom of this message for further details.


I’d just like to thank each of you once again for your support during this time.

I hope to see you at some point in September!


Please take very good care of yourselves and have a fantastic summer holiday!


Mr Taylor


This week’s home learning:

Home learning



Year 1:


https://vimeo.com/436533759 – Video

Time to the hour – Worksheet

Time to the hour – Answers



https://vimeo.com/436533915 – Video

Time to the half hour – Worksheet

Time to the half hour – Answers



https://vimeo.com/436534112 – Video

Writing time – Worksheet

Writing time – Answers



https://vimeo.com/436534331 – Video

Comparing time – Worksheet

Comparing time – Answers



Year 2:


https://vimeo.com/436534877 – Video

Telling time to 5 minutes – Worksheet

Telling time to 5 minutes – Answer



https://vimeo.com/436535258 – Video

Hours and days – Worksheet

Hours and days – Answers



https://vimeo.com/436535580 – Video

Find durations of time – Worksheet

Find durations of time – Answers



https://vimeo.com/436535718- Video

Compare durations of time – Worksheet

Compare durations of time – Answers



Please see below Mrs Bowes’ post:


Are you ready for ‘Sock Olympics?’  Next week we will be challenging all the children and staff to complete 8 challenges using a ball of socks!  All children who are currently not back at school are invited to join in at home and send their class teacher photos / videos of how they get on.  Parents, you are equally welcome to have a go!

Can we ask that the children who are in school come prepared with a spare pair of socks to use please.

We have set 8 challenges for you to complete:

Watch this video to see how each challenge is done.

Sock Olympics – information and score sheet.

Have fun!

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Class 2 spelling patterns to be tested 7.3.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The vowel digraph “er”. E.g better, under, summer, winter.

Year 2: Adding “-ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y” to a word ending in “e”. E.g hiking, nicer, nicest, scary.

See previous spellings

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

No Showcases to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase

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