Weekly news 15.01.21

Hello everyone

I hope this weekly email finds you well and thank you for all your support over this past week.

Please read an update below on our remote learning provision for KS1 and KS2.

remote learning 15.1.21

Letter from Vicky Ford MP – Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families

Attendance at education settings
In the face of the rapidly rising numbers of cases of COVID-19 across the country and intense pressure on the NHS, it is essential that we reduce opportunities for mixing and transmission. For this reason, only vulnerable children and young people (including those with EHC plans) and children of critical workers should attend their school or college.

The above is an extract from her letter which can be read in full here.

First News digital edition

First News are making their digital version of their children’s newspaper available again, during the current lockdown. The difference this time is that you need to click on the link here and enter this code FNLOCKDOWN3 to view the latest issue.

Have a safe weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

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